Information session with Ylli Hashani from ITP Prizren – National Debate Tournament “Kosova Open 2022”

On June 10 – 11 – 12, Debate Center organized the National Debate Tournament “Kosovo Open 2022” on the premises of ITP (Innovation and Training Center) in Prizren. Participants were young people aged 15-23 from all municipalities of Kosovo where they had the opportunity to compete in the British Parliamentary Format (British Parliamentary Format).  …

In places where prostitution is fully illegal, this house would fine the individual that pays for the service rather than the sex worker

The debate was held in the British Parliamentary (BP) format, with beginner and intermediate level debaters. The Opening Government (OG) defined the topic in terms of nonconsensual prostitution that happens through trafficking rings. The team proved their first point with statistics that show that in large-scale prostitution is done involuntarily, therefore it would be unfair…

This house believes that Kosovo’s police should have a department with female officers only

The debate was held in British Parliamentary (BP) format, with beginner-level debaters. The Opening Government (OG) brought these main arguments:  a police department with female officers only would be a safe space for women to express their concerns. A police department with female officers would only be one step further to stop discrimination. The reasoning…

Debate Weekend Academy 2022

Debate Center on March 13-14 held a Debate Weekend Academy where about 90 participants from the municipalities of Prishtina, Prizren, Peja, Mitrovica, Ferizaj and Gjilan attended. Participants from six municipalities gathered at the school “Gjergj Fishta” in Prishtina at the two-day academy with the theme “Think globally, change locally.” During this academy the young people…

DC continues with the training of young people within the project “Youth Inter-Connected”

The next meetings were held with the Debate Clubs in Prishtina, Prizren, Ferizaj, Gjilan and Mitrovica, within the project “Youth Inter-Connected”. The participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the differences between formal and informal debate, the format of the “British Parliamentary” Debate – explanations on definition and argumentation, and the importance they have…

September 15 – International Day of Democracy

International Day of Democracy was established in 2007 by the General Assembly to encourage strengthening and consolidating democracy through national governmental programs. The word democracy is derived from the Greek words “demos,” which means people, and “kratos”, which means power, and can be defined as “the power of the people”. Although this form of government…